Wednesday, 5 March 2008

The Truth of the Matter

I'm exhausted and depressed. And the more exhausted and depressed I become, the less creative spirit I can harness to pour into this site.

It's beautiful outside but too cold to venture out on my new wheels. But the steps that were blocking the way to freedom have been dropped so technically it's a possibility. Waiting for inspiration. Maybe I'll just go out and find it. When the weather is warmer. When I feel a bit warmer.


Anonymous said...

Spring is the season to come alive - just like many other things. Not long now for you to get into the spirit of things.

seahorse said...

Indeed. And though I'm late replying, at least I can say I've now used the scooter, more than once as well. Woolworths was kind of interesting today. May post about it...and there are no dropped kerbs near my house. Of course I feel like I'm the first person in the world to ring the council with this problem.

Elizabeth McClung said...

Well, I think that was a collective sucky week, I like your spirit of honesty but not giving it or at least providing a distracting photo.

soulful sepulcher said...

just thought i'd stop by to tell you i love your blog and check it for photos.they are beautiful photography.

seahorse said...

Thanks Stephany. I'll be trying to post photos more often. It's hard to feel inspired in the middle of a city in winter. Grey, grey, grey. Now things are brightening up.

seahorse said...

And thanks Elizabeth. I thought I'd already replied. In fact I'm sure I did??? Ah well, memory not at its best today.